SHE will be here sometime around October 19, 2010.
We are so excited to be welcoming sweet baby girl number two to our family! My pregnancy has been so different than it was with Addison, and so Travis and I both thought that we would be having a boy. We even had his name picked out! Now, we're both a bit stunned by the news - and could use your suggestions for girl's names!
I have had time to process the news a bit this afternoon, and I couldn't be happier. I am so excited that Addison will be getting a sister. I am lucky to have THREE, and there is nothing sweeter than the love sisters share. Addi will be an awesome big sister and friend to this little one. I can't wait for matching dresses, hair bows, and so much more pink!
We love this little GIRL already!
Even though you've broken the pattern of my grandkids - girl, boy, girl, boy, girl, girl? I am so happy for you. All I wish and pray for are healthy happy babies.
CONGRATS! Totally agree with the sister theory and the matchy matchy thing. I kinda want to know what the boy name was though....
Congratulations, that's so exciting!
Suz, if it was a boy..he would have been named Owen Travis Gines. Any suggestions you have for cute girl names that go along with Addison would be appreciated!!
Congrats! Congrats! Now for names....hmmmm, use We thought it was really fun.
Congratulations!!!!! Moving and a new baby!! I hope you have been feeling well. I'm so happy for you =)
Yeah for # 2 - it'll be so fun to have two little girls to dress up! Harlee asks for her hair to be done, Logan runs away screaming :) Two is so much fun, hard, but fun! So excited for you three! I'm not much help on the baby name front however. Harlee is the only girl name we came up with, my neighbor is having a little girl in a month though and she is going to be Taylor Kay - kinda cute :) Good luck!
oh yay you. i al thrilled addi will have a sister... i wish desperately that jane did. and for the names...
ruby jane, lyla, emilie jayne, marnie, abigail, savannah....
Nat, Congrats!!! SO so excited for you guys- such great news. And boy October will be here before you know it!!! How fun for Addie to have a little sister. Yay for babies!! Hope you are feeling well- keep us updated!!
baby girl names.. ava, lucy, ella, lily, reese, jenna, emma- I have always loved the name Madison but don't think that one will work :) good luck!
COngrats! I am so excited for you and for Addison to have a little sister. Sisters are the best. Hope you have a lovely uneventful pregnancy!
Hooray. I am so excited for you guys and hope you are feeling well.
Congrats! How fun to be having another girl! We really should get together sometime.
Conrats! I am so excited for you! I have been thinking about you a lot lately! We went to Shrek the other day and I kept laughing at "Puss in Boots". Also, today I used a life skill you taught me... making ramen noodles in the microwave. I hope you are feeling ok!
Love Ya!
Sounds like you've got a lot of adventures going on in your life right now. I hope that you are feeling all right and I look forward to hearing about this new little girl.
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