Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Disneyland/San Diego

We just got back from a great trip with the Gines to Disneyland, and San Diego. We were the last of the bunch to arrive, everyone else had been there a few days before us. We flew into San Diego, and then headed right up to Newport Beach to meet up with the family. The next day we went to Disneyland, and had tons of fun. After Disneyland, we headed back to my Dad's house in San Diego. We all had fun hanging out, eating out, and celebrating a Utah victory. It was a great get-away that I needed badly! Thanks for making it possible Jo!

A pre-Disneland picture with all the grandkids. Addison was less than amused. What cute kids!

Outside the gates, waiting to go in. Addison kept saying that she wanted to go to Disneyland. She didn't really get that we were there until she got off the first ride.

We saw Mickey, Goofy and the Cars characters. Addison didn't like seeing them. She said she was scared of them.

We like the Pirates ride because the whole family can go on it. Here's the Whitney's, the Gines, and Addi. Addison still talks about the pirates that say, "Yo, yo, yo, yo, a pirate's life for me.", and how her bum and Jo Jo's bag got wet.

Nursing a baby in Disneyland isn't the most fun thing. We managed though!
Hailey's first tirp to Disneyland was spent in the stroller. She was a great baby and seemed to enjoy her first visit.
I love this picture of Jo and Addison just after the Buzz Lightyear ride
Travis and Keith on babysitting duty outside of the Matterhorn
It's been a long day, all tuckered out
Eating at Phil's, a delicious BBQ joint in San Diego
Addison got a taste of Tabasco sauce when we weren't looking, and then poured it on Trav's food. It was hilarious..she didn't think so. We asked her after she cooled down what she tasted and put on Daddy's food, and she showed us without hessitation.
One month old today
Katie and Darin
A "Poppy"-sicle
A rare family picture
Cute girl Cambree
Excited to go freeze in the cold ocean
Chasing birds

Adam and cute Cambree
Gage making a sand castle
Jo and Jess on a walk on the beach
Addison refused to wear her jacket, and just wanted to dig in the chilly sand

Despite the cold, Addison wanted to get in the water with her Daddy
Carson loved the sand
The crew at the beach
hanging out with Daddy

We went to one of our favorite San Diego restaurants, Corvette. It's a crazy fun diner, with yummy burgers, shakes, and fries. This is a lousy picture, but it was the best I could get of a cranky, tired Addison.
Super duper cute!
There has to be an occasional picture of the one who always takes the pictures. I'm not looking my best..but hey, I was there.
Addison has always been a veggie eater. This time it paid off! Because she was chowing down on this lettuce that was meant to be a garnish, and looked so silly doing it, the manager gave us a free kids meal. She said Addison made her laugh, and it was just what she needed. Thanks for saving us $7 bucks, Ad!


Jolene said...

LOVED this trip. I so enjoy being with my cute family. I love that Addi gives me big hugs and I love that I got to hold Hailey, when Trav will give her up. Thanks to your Dad for the lovely accomodations.

The Fisher's said...

You need to come visit a warm ocean :) I don't know if we'll ever be able to get in the ocean there again after being spoiled with the Gulf for so long! You sure have 2 adorable little girls there!

Chelsea said...

Wow what a trip!! So SO fun- Disneyland is the best but I bet it was a little different with a newborn- still fun though!! Glad you guys had a great time!

The Whitney's said...

We had a great time! Addi is amazing and so fun! Hailey is so dang adorable. Your pictures are so cute! I need to get some of them from you!

Nate and Alyssa said...

Fun!! I want to eat at Phils and Corvette's!! Glad you all had fun and that it didn't rain at Disneyland and that no one broke their leg the next day!! Love you and those super cute girls of yours!