Addison has offically made it to 16 months. She's a darling little girl, with a serious 'ADDI'tude! She definitely keeps us entertained, and laughing, but busy, and exhausted too!
This past week, Addison has really started to speak up. She will mimick almost any word I say, but only if she's in the right mood. Her list of words include:
Mom, Daddy, Bite, More, Please, Thank-You, Hi, Bye-Bye, Uh-Oh, Shoes, Binki, Eddie, Grandpa, Mama (Grandma), JoJo, Madi, Ethan, Berta, Football, Turtle, Wow, Cookie, Cracker, Jeep, Addi, Baby, Go, Water, Night-Night... And it's growing daily!
Addison loves books. The books in her room are always scattered everywhere, because she's constantly pulling them off the shelves. She "reads" them to herself when I'm not reading them to her.
Addison climbs on everything. She's on the kitchen table all of the time, and laughs when I tell her "No". She climbs on the couches, chairs, and beds. She can even scale the rails of her crib, and fell out on her head the other day. She's tough though, and didn't even cry. She's always got new scrapes, and bruises, and leaves me wondering how she got them.
She's started biting, and thinks it's hilarious when someone says "ouch".
Addi will let me give her hugs and kisses..and gives them back with a full open mouth! I always whisper in her ear that I love her before I put her down for naps or bed, and she now will say something that sounds like it back to me in a little hushed voice.
She's still a little pill sometimes, but I think I lucked out overall..she's wonderful, and getting bigger everyday! Could you just stop growing, Addi...Please?
She is so cute! And she just keeps getting cuter everytime i see her! I just love her!
Oh, I sure love that girl ... glad she gets to be my daytime buddy! Great pics Nat!
I missed her so much while (NOT why) I was in Oregon. She really is jabbering a lot more. It's amazing how fast they grow in such a short time.
Wow 16 months! She's so stinkin cute.
She is too cute!! Love you Addi
Natalie, the time has flown by. I can't believe she's growing up so fast. She is so cute. I love how you write about what she is up to, and I love the picture of you & her =).
I just can't believe it! They kinda are little stinkers at this age huh... So fun though. She is saying a lot- Blake's vocabulary is just taking off, it's so fun!! What a beautiful little girl you have
just caught up. time flies huh? she is a doll. (and reminds me of my lady, expect that speaking part). glad she likes car rides and isn't a fussbudget for all the exploring you do.
ps. i judge you for being a working mom and feeding your kid tater tots. i have NEVER done that. EVER!
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