Thursday, August 27, 2009

"Berry" Lake

Last weekend we went up to Bear Lake with my Dad's family for a reunion. We had been planning it for almost a year, but a few months before the event, almost everyone decided not to come. It was too bad for them because those of us that were there had a great time! We camped at Rendezous Beach. It was pretty deluxe as far as camping goes..we had electricity, flushing toilets, and warm showers! To top it off, there was a skunk's nest right outside the door of our tent! No one got sprayed..the skunks were so used to people, and fat from their food, they decided to not ruin the good thing they had going for them. It was weird to be so close to a skunk, though..literally, they were 6 feet away from us! We played in the water, chatted with cousins, sat by the fire, and ate raspberry shakes. It was delightful!

Addi and Grandpa Greg

Addi and her Daddy

Addison loved playing in the water, and sand

Part of the crew hanging out on the beach

Madi and Troy


Nate and Alyssa said...

So much fun! I wish we could have been there! Love you!!!

The Fisher's said...

Us too! We love hanging out at Bear Lake, it's probably where most of Aaron's fondest summer memories come from. So sad you were there without us, why didn't we know about this year long planned trip? :)

Jolene said...

Oh, I'd love to watch Addi play in the sand. That girl cracks me up. Did she eat any of it?