Hailey turned 3 months old on the 19th. I can't believe I've had this sweet baby in my life for 3 months already. Here are some things for me to remember about my little lady.
- Hailey isn't the best eater. She doesn't nurse, except in the middle of the night. When she's eating her bottle, she likes to be held by her belly, facing out. She also shakes her head back and forth - making it really hard to keep the bottle in her mouth.
-Hailey is a wiggle worm. Madi calls her 'Fidget'. She is constantly kicking her feet, and moving her arms.
-Hailey likes to suck her thumb
-Hailey loves attention. She is content if she can see someone around her - if she's alone, and awake, she's not quite as happy.
-We started Hailey on reflux meds the first of Jan. She seems to still have an unhappy tummy most of the time, and is always spitting. Travis commented that the poor kid always has a bib on..it's true!
-Hailey is a big gal. She's rockin' mostly 3-6 and 6 month clothes.
-She just started giggling, and it melts my heart!
-Hailey's cheeks are absolutely wonderful, and I love to kiss and squish them! Her thighs match!
-Hailey LOVES the tub!
Addison is turning 3 in 3 months. She's gotten to be such a big girl. Here are some things that I want to remember about Addi at this stage in her life:
-Addison LOVES her Daddy. He's her favorite person these days.
-Addi constantly wants someone to 'come upstairs and play with her'. Addison loves to role play, and she is quite particular about how she does it. She always has a script to follow when you play with her. She says things like, "I'm the Mommy and you're the big girl. I am going to tell you that I have to wash your blankets, and then you tell me no, and start to cry."
-She always says the funniest things, like out of the blue one day she said, "Hey Mom, Dinosaurs can kill you.", and "Here goes nothing."
-Addison is potty trained! We started working on it this summer. She had a set back when Hailey was born, but is doing really well now! She rarely has accidents, and can tell me when she needs to go!
-Addison loves her babies and blankets
-She still loves the Backyardigans
-Addison loves to color and to finger paint. Yesterday she even colored on her face.
-Addi is still Ms. ADDItude, and has her moments of ups and downs - lately it's been lots of downs. I hope that changes soon!
-Addison is picky about lots of things. She likes to have things her way. Addison will not wear jeans EVER. Things have to be done a certain way, or you'll hear about it!
-She's turning into a girly girl. She loves to put on make-up and put fingernail polish on.
I have TWO wonderful girls! I am lucky to spend my days with them, and love them so much!!
Hailey is adorable, she even giggled for me yesterday. She is so strong and just wanted to sit up and not lay back.
Doesn't surprise me that Addi colored on her face. Trav went through a stage in Elementary School where it was hard to get him to wear jeans.
Love these girls.
How did Hailey get so big so fast????
I wish I was there to role play with Addi or just paint her toes!!!
Love you!!
They are so darling Nat!!! Makes me want a girl with all the nail painting & makeup :) someday maybe!!
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