For the most part, Hailey is in a fun stage. I'm really looking forward to April though, so that she can finally go to Nursery...she's so hard at church! She is stubborn and wants her way, which is never to sit still and be quiet.
Hailey loves to point at things, and can say please. She points at what she wants, and says, "pwease". She can also say thanks. It seems like she is learning more and more words every day, or at least attempting to.
Hailey has a silly little smile, and goofy sense of humor. She loves to make people laugh, and has a way of teasing people..sometimes to the extreme, but mostly just likes to make them laugh.
Hailey loves her Momma. She won't ever leave my side. Most of the time I find myself annoyed by my little sidekick, but I am realizing more and more that I need to enjoy every moment of her loving me. She is a sweet baby, and soon won't want to have anything to do with, I'm trying to love every moment.
About two weeks ago, before I put the girls in the tub, Hailey grabbed the potty seat, and said, "pwease." So, I put her up on the toilet to humor her, and to my suprise, she pooped. Since then she has gone potty twice on the toilet, and tries almost every day to squeeze poop out. It seems like she'll be much easier to potty train than Addison was.
Addison and Hailey play pretty well together, until Hailey ends up hurting Addison, or Addi takes something Hailey was playing with, but generally, they are good buddies!!