"Left untreated, the bite of a brown recluse can result in tissue decay..."
We are being over-run. My home is full of bugs, bugs of all kinds! Tonight was the final straw. The biggest (possible recluse) spider I have ever seen is currently residing under a Mason Jar, awaiting the early morning arrival of Travis, to prove to him that pest control is a necessary expense. I would post a picture of this horrible creature, however, I will spare you, 1) because my camera is missing, if you see it let me know, and 2) because it is the most spine-shuttering, grotesque thing I have EVER seen (and I lived in Costa Rica for 6 months!!)
Not only do we have spiders that would make grown men weep, we have ants. The ants live in the laundry room and thrive off of Eddie's food. I don't mind them much, 1) because I get a kick out of watching the tiny things heave kernels of Eddie's food, which is three times bigger than they are, over to the hole from which they emerged, only to find that the food is too big to fit..HA! 2) No dog food = No dog, right?
After discovering the eight-legged freak in the basement, I decided I need help, but am concerned about exterminating bugs and having Addison around. Does anyone have any suggestions? Have you used extermination companies in the past, any treatments you can just buy in the store?? Please let me know so that I can sleep at night!
When I worked at the day care center (which thankfully has been shut down by now) we had bugs of all kinds. They had an exterminator come every month. He said that the stuff they sprayed wasn't harmful to the kids, just the bugs. But I don't think it was harmful to bugs either, because the crockroaches never died, which is why he came back every month. (wow run-on sentence.) My point, i'm sure they have kid friendly poisons for the horrible eight-legged creature!
You could also catch them and give them to my dad! He would love it!
Sorry Nat, they just don't bother me. I use to catch taranchulas (can't spell) as a kid in mason jars. I've always been the spider killer of the family, so just call me, I'll take care of it for you.
yuck nat move to alaska. Bugs don't get very big here. They freeze in the winter. Sl, three months of little bugs is ok! love you
I would scream running for my mom's house if I had you problem! Sorry. I have ants and ear wigs like crazy and I'm about ready to move becasuse they drive me nuts!
Oh, the thought gives me the eeby-geebies! I love Addison's little red and white outfit below!!! So cute!!!
Yuck this just gives me the chills.. I hate spiders so much!! Hopefully you can get it figured out quick!!
boom, why would you run for your moms house? she has tarantulas.
nat - call an exterminator and tell them you have an infant and a dog. i'm sure they know how to work it out. way better than your babe being bitten by a big-a spider...
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