Friday, November 13, 2009

Oh the Joy!

Addison pooped in the tub today. I will spare you the gross details, and the picture (I texted it to Trav to tell him what a "crappy" day we were having). He told me later, that I will soon be laughing at my horrific experience today. I'm still not laughing, but it got me to thinking...

My kid may do disgusting things (like poop in the tub), and have a bad day or two, (throwing her body around in a full tantrum in the middle of the busiest aisle at Smith's), but regardless of those things, I will ALWAYS love her!

I have a plate that my Mother-in-Law gave me, that sits on top of my fireplace. It says, "Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. - President Gordon B. Hinckley" It's a constant reminder to me that I SHOULD be enjoying things that are going on around me, especially my WONDERFUL 19 month old daughter, that sometimes drives me crazy! Life will pass by whether I am enjoying it or not..I'd rather be enjoying! Maybe I'll laugh about the poop tomorrow!


troyandmadi said...

Ha ... surprised it hasn't happened before now! Love that little ADDI-tude!

Suz said...

Everyone poops in the tub at least once. Glad she got it out of the way!

Jolene said...

Another favorite quote (I even cross stitched it) is "The secret of life is enjoying the passing of time." James Taylor.
Glad you're enjoying her because she's adorable.

Nate and Alyssa said...

At least she still hasn't taken it out of her diaper and painted her crib, walls, toys and then thrown it across the room. Oh, how I do love my Ian boy. And just remember Poop is just old food...right?!?

Meghan said...

we are all about poop here. i wish once was all we've had (for the record, i don't think ry ever did). i recall a very similar moment i had where i thought, i can't just get THROUGH this day, i need to be present...and ENJOY it.

that moment was today. and just about every other day ;) kidding-ish.

Jer said...

Will it help if I told you that you pooped in the tub with the other three sisters in with I had to rebath not just you, but everybody else! I'm surprised Madi didn't remind you of that!

Anonymous said...

We just had our first with pooping in the tub! Or i should say I did, Randy wasn't home. I put all Three of my kids in the tub and Ally decided to poop! So I had to rebath all three once I got it cleaned out! My older two never did this, I guess I got lucky!!

Chelsea said...

Ha that is great- Blake almost did it this week. Luckily I pulled him out right before and put him on the toilet to go in there. He did it but wasn't happy about it. I am sure this is in our near future though!!