On February 26, Hailey had her first taste of rice cereal. She spit most of it out the first time, but each time since, has enjoyed it more and more. I just can't believe she's ready to be eating off of a spoon.
My mom gave Hailey this darling snow suit. I love to see her in it..it just makes me giggle!
Addison has turned into a little preformer! She loves to be the center of attention. She has started taking gymnastics, and loves to do summersaults and donkey kicks. She also loves to do "ballet". We got the dance game for the Xbox Kinect, and she loves to take her turn dancing. She's actually pretty good at it!
Hailey loves the bouncer. She fell asleep in it the other day. Addi loves to "help" Hailey jump in it. Some of the biggest smiles come from Hailey when she's in the bouncer.
Addi loves to have her hair done, and do make up. She always likes to watch me get ready and copies everything that I do. She says how pretty she is when she's done. I hope she always thinks she's pretty!
The other day it was really quiet upstairs. I went up to see what was going on, and this is what I found. Addi dumped out all of her stuffed animals and lined them up on the couch in her true OCD fashion. Needless to say, she doesn't need any more stuffed animals!
What cute girls!!
Love these girls. Addi looks like a bad flashdance person. Love Hailey's eyes.
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