Monday, April 14, 2008

A Tribute to Marriott...

Here are some fun work pictures that were taken on my last day before maternity leave. It's so weird not getting up and going to work everyday. I would be lying if I said that I miss coming to work, but I do miss all of my friends! I hope that you are all surviving without me! I'll see you in July!


Jodi and Josh said...

You were the cutest preggie!!
Fun picks! Is Dusty going to be delivering soon too??!! :-) Ha ha!

Meghan said...

enjoy the maternity because it's over WAY too fast. and then you have to be a working mama which is a struggle everyday.

Letzelter Family said...

Oh Marriott! I love the one with Dusty. Did he sing the wibbles song to you too?

Iris said...

Nice picture of you & Dusty!!! We miss you. The pics of Addison are soooooooo cute. =)