Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sugar High!

Friday was awesome! We celebrated Keith's birthday and an amazing win at the Sugar Bowl with food, fun, and lots of cheers. Go UTES! I don't Keith could have asked for a better birthday present!
The Birthday Boy..and Happy FanAdam and Jess waiting for the game to startUtah familyThe Celebration Dance!We are a Happy Family!GO UTES!Keith's special Utah birthday cakeSinging Happy Birthday. Poppy and His favorite little fan.


The Whitney's said...

Go utes! I'm stiling some of your pictures! They are just so cute I need them on my blog.

Jolene said...

Thanks for the fun Birthday Cake for Keith. Great night and great birthday gift for Keith.

Katie Jo said...

I'm not one to watch a football game and actually enjoy, but man that was a great game!! And watching it with the Gines' made it that much more exciting!! Great pictures!