Wednesday, February 4, 2009

10 Months!

Addison is ten months old today! I can't believe how the time flies! In two short months, she'll be a year old. We are anxious for a forward-facing car seat, cow's milk, a chocolate birthday cake, and maybe a few teeth!

These past ten months has been a blast! I love having Addison as my little side-kick. We have lots of fun together, and I can't seem to get enough of her! I love you, Addi! Thanks for filling my life with joy!


Ann-Marie said...

Her little shirt is o' so appropriate! :) I hate how quickly they are growing up.

Here is where the girls got the idea....(

Ann-Marie said...
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Iris said...

she's so cute! happy 10 months old!

Jolene said...

I just want to kiss those cheeks. Love the cute shirt.

Katie Jo said...

wow 10 months old! Time really flies by when it's not your child!! She is so cute, and my kids just love her! We need to have a play date!

Meghan said...

she is a sweetie peteetie.

The Fisher's said...

She is a doll, and 10 months already! I need to get your email address to get you an invite to our blog - send it on over when you get a free minute, it's so nice to be able to see your family when we are so far away - if only everyone had a blog :)

Chelsea said...

AHHHh she is so cute- I can't believe we are already at 10... months seriously seem like days! Very cute shirt