Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy V-Day and B-Day!

Yesterday, we went Red Robin with my Dad and Marty to celebrate my birthday..a day early. It was lots of fun!

After, we went back to my Dad's house for a carmel flan birthday cake.

These are the shirts I made for our cheesy V-Day celebration! So Cute!

Today is my 26th birthday. It feels just like another day, but my family is great, and worked hard to make it special!

My Mom made me my favorite..Chicken Enchiladas.

I got some jewelry, new shoes, pants, cute shirts, and a cute bag.

I think that Addison is still my greatest gift!

Thank you to everyone for helping me celebrate! I'm looking forward to celebrating with the Gines tomorrow. Love you all!


Iris said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Jolene said...

I agree, Addison is your greatest gift. Glad you had a fun day.

Tom, Beth, and Ainsley said...

Happy Birthday! It looks like you had a fun celebration. I especially love the t-shirts you made! Love them!

Chelsea said...

Happy Happy Birthday!! Looks like you had a great one with fun gifts and yummy food- seriously, it all looked so good!! I love the shirts you made, so great!!!

Sonia said...

Happy Birthday! Can you believe we're so old...Love your bangs too:)

Scott and Nicole albertson said...

Happy late Birthday!! Cute pictures and your hair is gorgeous!

Paul and Rachel said...

Happy birthday on a few days ago!! I guess better late than never. I hope it was a wonderful day!!

Meghan said...

happy to you. you are still so young. lucky. i love that trav would wear the shirt.
hope you had a great heart/bee day

Nate and Alyssa said...

hey, glad you had a good Bithday!! Did Mom make the Flan? I love your hair cut!! I wish I had cute hair!!

Jer said...

Love you...can it really be 26 years ago?