Saturday, March 21, 2009


Addison has started taking little steps. She first started on March 16th, with two steps, and has gotten braver each day. Her record so far, has been 8 steps. I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but she started taking steps right after we got the shoes!

This video was taken on March 18th. What a funny little bug! She's growing so fast!!


Iris said...

so the purchase of all the shoes was totally worth it! how cute =)

The Fisher's said...

Oh my goodness! She is a doll all wobbly! Harlee is taking steps, but more of the one or two and then a falling run to the last one :) Hahaha She is such a cutie! And I may have to steal your little Birthday idea! Sooo cute to put it up on the blog!

Nate and Alyssa said...

so cute and her balance is about as good as mine.

Jer said...

LOOK OUT!Your life will never be the same again. No more putting her down and expecting her to stay. You will need "restaints" from this point on...Michael's Crafts has duct tape in 12 designer colors. Love you!

Tom, Beth, and Ainsley said...

Wow! Can't believe she is walking! That is exciting!

Tara said...

I LOVE watching new walkers! Also, that green dress for St. Patty's day is so adorable! She's just cute!