Saturday, July 7, 2012

Girl's Camp 2012

I was privledged to go to Girl's Camp the end of June. We went up to a Boy Scout Camp up in the Uintas at the East Fork of the Bear River. We had an amazing time, despite a few things, like the no-fire restrictions, and no running water the first day. Here we are just before leaving, all clean and cute!
Our theme this year was B.O.O.T. Camp, "Build Our Own Testimonies".
We had a great time planning the details, but it was even better for me watching things fall into place, and the girls enjoying our plans. The first day, we gave the girls their shirts, and then headed to do several team building activities.
Our girls were darling, and helpful, and fun to be around!
One of the higlights was rifle shooting!
We were BLESSED to have this guy, Ross Kunzler, with us the whole time! We couldn't have asked for better!
We really do have the best young women!
My absolute favorite was canoeing! We actually got in the water, thanks to Suzanne, and her boldness, and loved every minute of it, including dunking Brittany, and Brooke!
The last night we dediced that we all wanted to be in the tent together. It was like playing Tetris to get us and our mattresses and sleeping gear in one tent..we had to take a picture. They are a bit blury, but you get the idea. It was fun!
Our camp was a success, and lots of fun too! I'm so glad I had the chance to go, and to get to know our young women, and even the leaders on a more intimate level. I'm surrounded by awesome people, and blessed to have this calling!

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