Life with a one-year old has been pretty interesting! I have complied a list of words to describe Addison...some of them aren't ideal, but they truthfully describe the phase we're in now!
busy. into everything. a girl who knows what she wants. determined. strong-willed. rebellious. a tantrum queen. smart. funny. creative. a good eater. obsessed with shoes. a daddy's girl. a free spirit. darling. a contortionist. active. a talker. a screamer. impossible at church, and other sit still activities. a fan of Otter-Pops. cute. a walker. demanding. smiley. happy when she wants to be. always occupied. drawn to electronic gadgets. chubby. fun. tiring. turning into a big girl right before my eyes. a chocolate lover. strong. never without her binkie, and blanket. defiant. snuggly when she's sleepy. a fan of music, and singing. loud. hectic. strong. beautiful. energetic. ticklish. an explorer. my sweetie, even when she's less than sweet.
Things to Remember:
Addison has four teeth, top and bottom in front. She's slowly working on others.
Addison walks everywhere. She never crawls, and prefers not to be carried.
Addison can say/do: Hi, Uh-Oh, Bye-Bye, Momma, Dadda, Eddie, Ethan, Thank-You, Out, More, She can make the sound of a puppy, a dinosaur, and a fish, she claps her hands and says "Yeah", she dances when she hears music, she plays patty-cake with her feet instead of her hands, she waves hi, and bye-bye, and she blows kisses.
Addison still eats baby food, but also has to have whatever we are eating. She's not picky, and tries everything, but definitely has her favorites. She's happy mostly when she's eating!
Addison is still a great sleeper! Her naps have become shorter, but she still sleeps through the night.
Although this is by far the toughest stage we've been through so far, I love Addison, and I'm grateful to have her by my side every single day! She makes me so happy, and I'm proud to be her momma!
I can't believe she's already 13 months old! I love all of the pictures.....especially the ones outside. I'm sure she is keeping you busy....but you have done such a wonderful job with her.....and I really want to hear the sound that the dinosaur makes =)
WHATA BIG GIRL!! Sounds to me like she is a lot like her Mama!! Love the tulips!! Can't wait to finally see her!!!!! Only 52 days!!
All that hard work and it will go by so quickly and she'll be in school and you'll wish she was back home being your cute baby where you could protect her every minute.
She is a handful to keep up because she is so inquisitive about everything. LOVE HER!
The thing that I love most about addison is how excited she gets over stuff! It is so fun to see that! She is growing up so fast!
Her personality sounds so much like Adalyn's. so does her name. Those are beautiful flowers!
What cute pictures! We haven't seen you guys in so long, and now she's so big! Sounds like she is a lot of fun!
I love this post and the pictures! I agree, it really is the toughest stage but so great at the same time. What a cute girl- she is a lot like Blake- he loves chocolate and yes impossible at church. 13 months, crazy, Nat we don't have babies any more-
Natalie was...busy. into everything. a girl who knew what she wanted. determined. strong-willed. rebellious. a tantrum queen (we called her 'squeeze it' because she could squeeze out those tears). smart. funny. creative. a good eater. obsessed with shoes. a daddy's girl. a free spirit. darling. a contortionist. active. a talker. a screamer. impossible at church, and other sit still activities. a fan of Otter-Pops. cute. a walker. demanding. smiley. happy when she wanted to be. always occupied. drawn to gadgets (we didn't have many electronic ones). chubby (no, more like chubosa). fun. tiring. turning into a beautiful young mother right before my eyes. a chocolate lover (any candy would do). strong. never without her sisters. defiant. snuggly when she was sleepy. a fan of music, and singing. loud. hectic. strong. beautiful. energetic. ticklish. an explorer. my sweetie, even when she's less than sweet...even today!!! Isn't it great how things run along those heredity lines! Love ya Nat
you will love this post even more when she is big.
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