Addison has an obsession with naked bodies lately. Whenever she is naked, or only has a diaper on, she goes around saying, "I naked body, Mom." She thinks it is hilarious, and will say it straight for about 30 minutes, or until I wrangle her and put her clothes back on. When she is clothed, she lifts up her shirt and shows her belly to everyone. She hates socks, and shoes, and will pull them off as soon as I get her in the carseat to go's really a pain!
The day these pictures were taken, with the exception of her diaper, all she would let me put on her was her boots. She walked around like this for more than half the day, which included a surprise visit from my Visiting Teachers..I am sure they thought that I was the worst mom around..oh well!
Too funny! Her Aunt Kelli use to do the same thing about her age
All my boys have done the same thing. When they got to be around Addi's age and they would pull the socks and shoes off we would tell them that if they took them off they would have to walk in the house in bare feet. One step on the frozen below zero ground and we didn't have a problem as often. Lincoln is a stinker when it comes to shoes and socks. As soon as I get one on and am working on the other he has it off. It is quite the process to get him dressed.
Got to love those surprise visits from VTs. The one thing I have learned in all my surprise visiting as RS pres is that everyone does the same things and thinks people think they are terrible moms when really we are all the same just trying to avoid a tantrum. If you were really a bad mom your house would be a wreck and your daughter would be in a poopy diaper with clothes that haven't been washed for weeks and she would be hungry. We all know you are a wonderful mom and that Addi is one lucky little gal to have such a great mom!!
Love you!
How funny! I especially love that she would wear boots around. She is so cute ... and she is looking so grown up ..... well, as grown up as you can be at that age .....
I love the diaper and boots look--much more fun than clothes anyway! And I am so glad your pictures weren't lost! Our old laptop crashed three times before we finally got a new one, so I know how scary it can be!
i love that she calls it "naked body". jane also is a big fan of boot & diaper day. she is a doll with a big personality.
I need to backup my pictures... been meaning to do it for a long time- glad you got your pics back. Blake isn't in a naked stage yet but I must say you are getting really cute pics out of it!!
I think that the boots are stylish and she is adorable! I do like that Harlee likes to wear her clothes however, even if she already wants to pick them out :)
It seems as though you have a little exhibitionist on your hands! Hopefully she outgrows it by school or you're in real trouble. She is a doll....
Love, love, love that first picture! You must send it to me so we can make a big one.
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